
Progress Association pushes for Chelmsford Rd connection to Kinsellas Rd West

Chelmsford Road and Kinsellas Road West

Over many years, the Mango Hill Progress Association has advocated for Chelmsford Road to be connected to Kinsellas Rd West to cater for traffic arising from future residential developments along the western corridor of Mango Hill Village.

To date, Moreton Bay Regional Council has refused to include this connection as part of their Traffic Management Plan for Mango Hill on the basis of cost.

With the approval by Council (December 2015) of a 47 unit block on Chelmsford Rd, residents consider that now is the time for action. This recent approval will result in the developer being required to upgrade Chelmsford Road and Muriel Street, thus directing all traffic along Muriel Street. Residents of Muriel Street strongly disagree with Councils’ assertions that traffic will not increase significantly.

Given this recent approval, Council agreed to an urgent meeting on 29th January with the Progress Association and residents.

Following this meeting (with Councillor Julie Greer and the Director of Planning & Infrastructure, Stuart Pentland), Council has agreed to cost the connection of Chelmsford Road to Kinsellas Road West.

The Progress Association President Laurence Christie indicated to Council that “the importance of this connection means that it is better to get the basic plan correct, even if this results in a deferment of the current “Mango Hill Village Road Upgrade Program” (Note: in 2016/17 Lamington Road will be connected to Anzac Ave with a roundabout on the corner of Lamington Road and Kinsellas Road West. The Association believes that this should become a four way (roundabout) intersection.

The Association is pleased that Council will undertake a costing this connection and will report back with it’s findings.

Chelmsford Road and Kinsellas Road West


04/02/2016 |
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