
Construction to commence on Mango Hill Boulevard

Mango Hill Boulevard Overpass

Construction has commenced to link Mango Hill Boulevard / Bowen Street intersection (adjacent to Mango Hill Market Place shopping centre) to the Mango Hill Boulevard rail overpass.

Early work will involve vegetation clearing, site establishment, delineating work zones with traffic barriers andtemporary traffic lights at the intersection of Mango Hill Boulevard and Bowen Street. Work will take approximately six months to complete, construction and weather permitting.

Works will be undertaken during construction hours of 6.30am to 6.30pm Monday to Saturday, however at times some works may need to be undertaken at night.

Residents will be advised prior to any night works occurring.


Works will be undertaken during construction hours of 6.30am to 6.30pm Monday to Saturday, however at times some works may need to be undertaken at night.

Residents will be advised prior to any night works occurring.

Mango Hill Boulevard Overpass

12/05/2016 |
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