Official Recognition for Ken Hatchman Park
0As reported in the September 2024 issue of Best of Local, City of Moreton Bay Councillors supported a recommendation from the Mango Hill Progress Association to name an area of park reserve after local resident, long- serving volunteer and Life Member, Ken Hatchman.
Prior to any official recognition of this recommendation, Council was required to enter into a public notification period to advertise this proposed naming.
With no objections being received, the Mango Hill Progress Association is delighted to advise that on 9th January 2025, formal advice was received from City of Moreton Bay, that the area of reserve as shown on the below map will be named in recognition of the community services performed by Mr Ken Hatchman of Mango Hill Village.
Action is currently in train for signage to be erected in the near future.
Congratulations! Ken Hatchman.